Results for 'Brenda Sigüenza Victoria'

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  1.  16
    La negativa a obedecer la declaratoria de inamovilidad ciudadana para Lima y Callao del 05 de abril de 2022: Un acto de desobediencia civil. [REVIEW]Brenda Sigüenza Victoria - 2023 - Metanoia 8 (1):177-190.
    El presente ensayo tiene como objetivo evaluar un caso de desobediencia civil en el Perú: el desacato al decreto supremo que estableció la inamovilidad ciudadana el 5 de abril de 2022 en Lima y Callao. Para este propósito, se presentará el contexto en el que fue decretada y comunicada dicha medida. Luego se examinarán los argumentos a favor de la desobediencia expuestos en los textos Critón de Platón y Del deber de la desobediencia civil de Henry Thoureau para considerar este (...)
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    Pacifism and Care.Victoria Davion - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (1):90 - 100.
    I argue there is no pacifist commitment implied by the practice of mothering, contrary to what Ruddick suggests. Using violence in certain situations is consistent with the goals of this practice. Furthermore, I use Ruddick's valuable analysis of the care for particular individuals involved in this practice to show why pacifism may be incompatible with caring passionately for individuals. If giving up passionate attachments to individuals is necessary for pacifist commitment as Ghandi claims, then the price is too high.
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    The Routledge Companion to Theism.Charles Taliaferro, Victoria S. Harrison & Stewart Goetz (eds.) - 2012 - Routledge.
    There are deep and pervasive disagreements today in universities and colleges, and popular culture in general, over the credibility and value of belief in God. This has given rise to an urgent need for a balanced, comprehensive, accessible resource book that can inform the public and scholarly debate over theism. While scholars with as diverse interests as Daniel Dennett, Terry Eagleton, Richard Dawkins, Jürgen Habermas, and Rowan Williams have recently contributed books to this debate, "theism" as a concept remains poorly (...)
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  4. Los principios de la democracia liberal y sus críticos.Isabel Victoria Lucena Cid - 2004 - In Seco Martínez, José María & David Sánchez Rubio (eds.), Esferas de democracia. Sevilla: Aconcagua.
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  5. La prudencia en Descartes.María Victoria Castellón Masalles - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:389-390.
  6.  29
    The dasein of peasant girls during the violence in colombia.María Victoria Uribe - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68:150-162.
    RESUMEN El texto explora, en mujeres mayores de 80 años, la experiencia vivida durante el pe ríodo conocido como La Violencia en Colombia. Se examina el "trauma" que, según la autora, se manifiesta como "rayones", lo que hace difícil traducirlo o interpretarlo, porque solo se percibe a través de la escucha. Se estudia lo que M. Heidegger exploró como "ser-ahí" y "ser-en-el-mundo", esto es, el estar lanzados al mundo en un de terminado contexto donde construimos nuestra subjetividad y aprendemos a (...)
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    Lexical and post-lexical phonological representations in spoken production.Matthew Goldrick & Brenda Rapp - 2007 - Cognition 102 (2):219-260.
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    La introducción de la filosofía moderna en España: el eclecticismo español de los siglos XVII y XVIII.Olga Victoria Quiroz-Martínez - 1949 - El Colegio de México.
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    The rhetorical organization of verbal and nonverbal behavior in emotion talk.Victoria Lee & Geoffrey Beattie - 1998 - Semiotica 120 (1-2):39-92.
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    Koch's Postulates and the Etiology of AIDS: An Historical Perspective.Victoria A. Harden - 1992 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 14 (2):249 - 269.
    This paper examines the debate over the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) from an historical perspective. The changing criteria for proving the link between putative pathological agents and diseases are discussed, beginning with Robert Koch's research on anthrax in the late nineteenth century. Various versions of 'Koch's postulates' are analyzed in relation to the necessity and sufficiency arguments of logical reasoning. In addition, alterations to Koch's postulates are delineated, specifically those required by the (...)
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  11.  77
    Subjetividades políticas: sus emergencias, tramas y opacidades en el marco de la acción política. Mapeo de 61 experiencias con vinculación de jóvenes en Colombia.Sara Victoria Alvarado, Patricia Botero & Héctor Fabio Ospina - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (50):39-55.
    Desde una hermenéutica ontológica política se hacen visibles y audibles prácticas singulares a partir del punto de vista de los estudios latinoamericanos, los cuales apelan por una perspectiva de afirmación como propone Arturo Escobar respecto a una mirada sobre la diversidad y singularidad de accio..
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    La construcción estética de Europa.Rafael Argullol, Victoria Cirlot & Tamara Djermanović (eds.) - 2014 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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  13. Place matters : tracking coastal restoration after the deepwater horizon.Diane Austin & Victoria Phaneuf - 2019 - In Thomas Kerlin Park & James B. Greenberg (eds.), Terrestrial transformations: a political ecology approach to society and nature. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  14.  36
    Databases are us.Victoria Vesna - 2000 - AI and Society 14 (2):157-175.
    In the age of information overload, the primary concern for many knowledge areas becomes the organisation and retrieval of data. Artists have a unique opportunity, at this historical juncture, to play a role in the definition and design of systems of access and retrieval, and at the very least comment on the existing practices. In this article I show how some personalities have foreshadowed and indeed influenced the current practices and huge efforts in digitising our collective knowledge. This article is (...)
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  15. An Unsuspected Skyline Rival: Lee House, Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester (1928-31).Victoria Jolley - 2012 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (1):161-177.
    Although not accomplished as conceived, Lee House, Great Bridgewater Street, is a significant project in the history of the Manchester commercial textile warehouse. As one of the last examples to be designed for the city centre, it is innovative and deviates from the pattern that had evolved from the 1830s. This was due to two factors: the precedent of the American skyscraper, which had evolved since 1870, and, most influential, the involvement of two architects, Harry S. Fairhurst and J. Henry (...)
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    Las luchas sociales a través de Los medios masivos. Una propuesta de análisis cualitativo Y cuantitativo de sus representaciones desde un estudio de Caso.José Benclowicz & Victoria Werenkraut - 2013 - Aposta 58:4-43.
    En este trabajo se plantea una perspectiva cualitativa y cuantitativa específica para el análisis de las representaciones de las luchas sociales en los medios masivos partiendo de los aportes del Análisis Crítico del Discurso. Sobre esta base metodológica, presentamos los resultados del análisis de un caso específico: las representaciones sobre el corte de ruta-pueblada de Tartagal y Mosconi (provincia de Salta) en mayo de 2000. Se atiende al contexto en que se despliegan los discursos que serán objeto de análisis específico, (...)
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  17. Tomar la palabra: Memoria y violencia de género durante el terrorismo de Estado.Lizel Tornay & Victoria Alvarez - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (4):15 - 14.
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  18. The Substance of Ethical Recognition: Hegel's Antigone and the Irreplaceability of the Brother.Victoria I. Burke - 2013 - New German Critique 118.
    G.W.F. Hegel focuses his treatment of Sophocles' drama, Antigone , in the Phenomenology of Spirit, on the ideal of mutual recognition. Antigone was punished with death for performing the burial ritual honoring her brother, Polyneices, to whose irreplaceability she attests in her well-known speech of defiance. Hegel argues that Antigone's loss of Polyneices was the irreparable loss of reciprocal recognition. Only in the brother sister relation, Hegel thought, could there be equality in mutual recognition. I argue that this equality cannot (...)
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  19.  31
    Perché la filosofia?Victoria Camps - 2012 - Rivista di Filosofia 103 (3):377-392.
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  20.  37
    Caring and Violence.Victoria Davion - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (1):135 - 137.
    I reply to Laura Duhan Kaplan that I do not suggest women's political choices concerning pacifism are determined by biology. Although I contend the practice of mothering does not imply a pacifist commitment, this does not imply that the practice of mothering is inconsistent with such a commitment. Further, because the practice of mothering is not limited to women, even if it is inconsistent with pacifist commitment, this does not limit choices based on biology.
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    Rape, Group Responsibility and Trust.Victoria Davion - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):153 - 156.
    In this paper I link the very interesting analysis of responsibility provided by Larry May and Robert Strikwerda in "Men in Groups: Collective Responsibility for Rape (May and Strikwerda 1994) to some strategies for helping women avoid rape. In addition, I call for some clarification on May and Strikwerda's claim that rapists are fully responsible for their actions and that it is largely a matter of luck which men actually turn out to be rapists.
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  22. The Mystery of God and of the Human Person in San Juan de la Cruz.Victoria B. Parco - 2001 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 5 (1):37-51.
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  23. Blue Morph: Reflections on Performance of Self Organized Criticality 2011.Victoria Vesna & James Gimzewski - 2011 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 13:285-292.
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    Timothy J. Cooley (ed.), Cultural Sustainabilities: Music, Media, Language, Advocacy.Victoria M. Breting-Garcia - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (4):505-507.
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  25. Los filósofos y la bioética.M. Victoria Camps Cervera - 2007 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 16:63-73.
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  26. Reflexiones sobre bioética y virtudes públicas.M. Victoria Camps Cervera - 2009 - Dilemata 1:179-182.
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    What do working memory span tasks like reading span really measure.Meredyth Daneman & Brenda Hannon - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito (eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 21--42.
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    Presentación.Silvia Borelli, Sara Victoria Alvarado & Pablo Vommaro - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (57):7-9.
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    The relationship of impending death and age category to treatment intensity in the elderly.Michael J. Long & Brenda Stevenson Marshall - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (1):63-70.
  30. The ontic status of the laws of nature.Brenda De Wet - 2007 - South African Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):122-132.
    While most of us have accepted that our theories are human constructs and approximations of the truth, many of us still think of ‘natural laws ’ as things that exist ‘out there’, and that the work of science is thus the discovery or uncovering of these laws and their expression in mathematical formulae. This notion has serious implications for the science-theology debate. This article challenges the notion that ‘natural laws ’ adequately describe or prescribe nature. It argues that law statements (...)
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    Attitudes of Business and Non-business Students Toward Corporate Actions.Robert A. McDonald & Victoria A. Scott - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (2):213-225.
  32. Towards a personal science.J. Brenda Morris - 1977 - In Donald Bannister (ed.), New perspectives in personal construct theory. New York: Academic Press. pp. 151.
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  33. Desplazamiento estético del cuerpo en los intersticios de las ciencias sociales.Sara Victoria Alvarado Y. Jaime Pineda Muñoz - 2017 - In Sara Victoria Alvarado (ed.), Las ciencias sociales en sus desplazamientos: nuevas epistemes y nuevos desafíos. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
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  34. Communicating the catholic vision of human sexuality.William J. Thorn & Victoria Thorn - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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    Review: Mind-Body, Realism and Rorty's Therapy. [REVIEW]Victoria Choy - 1982 - Synthese 52 (3):515 - 541.
  36.  35
    Horace - (G.) Davis (ed.) A Companion to Horace. Pp. xviii + 464, ills, map. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley–Blackwell, 2010. Cased, £110, €126.50, US$199.95. ISBN: 978-1-4051-5540-3. [REVIEW]Victoria Moul - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (1):152-154.
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    Thinking about Things: A Philosophical Study of Representation.Brenda Judge - 1985
  38. Improving our Practice of Sentencing: Brenda M. Baker.Brenda M. Baker - 1997 - Utilitas 9 (1):99-114.
    Restorative justice should have greater weight as a criterion in criminal justice sentencing practice. It permits a realistic recognition of the kinds of harm and damage caused by offences, and encourages individualized non-custodial sentencing options as ways of addressing these harms. Non-custodial sentences have proven more effective than incarceration in securing social reconciliation and preventing recidivism, and they avoid the serious social and personal costs of imprisonment. This paper argues in support of restorative justice as a guiding idea in sentencing. (...)
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    It Takes Two to Tango: Fostering Engagement Within Citizen Juries.Brenda Bogaert & Ralf J. Jox - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (12):88-90.
    A citizen’s jury brings together a mix of citizens from different socio-economic groups who deliberate on a particular policy issue over a number of days. Since their development in the 1970s in th...
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  40. The Handbook of Cognitive Neuropsychology: What Deficits Reveal About the Human Mind.Brenda Rapp (ed.) - 2001 - Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis.
    Indeed, data from impaired performance have often played a central role in our understanding of the skills and abilities of the human mind/brain This volume ...
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    A Theory of the Good and the Right.Brenda Cohen - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (120):271-273.
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    Discreteness and interactivity in spoken word production.Brenda Rapp & Matthew Goldrick - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (3):460-499.
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  43. Psycho-practice, psycho-theory and the contrastive case of autism: How practices of mind become second-nature.Victoria McGeer - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (5-7):109-132.
    In philosophy, the last thirty years or so has seen a split between 'simulation theorists' and 'theory-theorists', with a number of variations on each side. In general, simulation theorists favour the idea that our knowledge of others is based on using ourselves as a working model of what complex psychological creatures are like. Theory-theorists claim that our knowledge of complex psychological creatures, including ourselves, is theoretical in character and so more like our knowledge of the world in general. The body (...)
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  44.  23
    The Making of a Pan(en)demic.Brenda Seals & Greg Seals - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (2):118-136.
    This comparative case analysis contrasts two nations – Viet Nam and The United States of America (U.S.) – in terms of processes each employed and results each achieved in respective response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We use a general theory of teaching to contrast the countries in terms of their approaches to COVID public health education. Viet Nam followed the recommendations of the theory. The U.S. did not. While our analysis does not and cannot prove educational theory acted as the (...)
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  45. Feminine agency and identity amid mother-daughter alienation.PsyD Brenda Bauer - 2019 - In Stephanie Brody & Frances Arnold (eds.), Psychoanalytic perspectives on women and their experience of desire, ambition and leadership. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  46. Wonder in a world.Brenda Colvin - 1977 - [Burford: Cygnet Press].
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    Investigações iniciais sobre O estatuto da sensibilidade no processo de atualização intelectiva.Brenda Oliveira do Espirito Santo - 2019 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 10 (19):35-57.
    Na questão 84, artigo 6 da Suma Teológica Tomás de Aquino apresenta o conceito de materia casuae para admitir a necessidade da participação do conhecimento sensível para que ocorra o conhecimento intelectivo. A noção de materia causae, evidencia o limite da atividade intelectiva, uma vez que o intelecto precisa da atualização sensível para que possa conhecer a natureza da coisa extra-mental. Assim, o conceito de materia causae aponta a dependência do intelecto em relação aos sentidos, sem que isso possa interferir (...)
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  48. How complexity science is transforming healthcare.Brenda Zimmerman - 2011 - In Peter Allen, Steve Maguire & Bill McKelvey (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Complexity and Management. Sage Publications. pp. 617--635.
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    Exploring philosophy: the philosophical quest.Brenda Almond - 1995 - Cambridge: Blackwell. Edited by Brenda Almond.
    In this new, revised and expanded edition of her classic introduction, Brenda Almond takes the reader on a progressive exploration through the main areas of contemporary philosophy.
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    Developmental changes in attention to faces and bodies in static and dynamic scenes.Brenda M. Stoesz & Lorna S. Jakobson - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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